
GTI/RISE Contract FAQs


Q: This says I can still be disciplined for “Just Cause,” doesn’t that mean I can be disciplined for any reason?

A: No, that means that if you are disciplined the employer has to meet seven legal tests to justify the discipline, including that you knew the rule existed and that the discipline is proportional to what you did. Right now you can be disciplined or fired for any reason or no reason at all, without justification.

Q: Does this give me any rights I don't already have? 

A: Right now, management has all the rights. They can discipline and fire how they want, layoff who they want, and pay what they want. Having a Union contract gives you the right to have a voice, to file a grievance against unjust discipline and unfair policies, and to job security. It also makes sure rules are applied equally and without favoritism, and protects your job from being contracted out. 

Q: This says we can’t strike. Why not?

A: In exchange for “labor peace,” meaning you won’t strike, the company agrees to settle disputes during the contract through the grievance procedure. This can include mediation and arbitration, paid for by the Union. Once the contract expires, you have the right to strike and in the case of strikes authorized by the Union you will be eligible for strike pay. You will also have access to important strike resources, like attorneys and logistic support. 

Q: My boss says they want to give me a raise, but the Union won't let them. Why?

A: Once the contract is in place, it says (right under the wage scale) that the wage rates are minimums and the company can pay more if they want. The Union never wants to stand in the way of someone making money!


Do you have a question not answered by our FAQs? Come to our zoom town halls on Sunday May 5 at 9 AM and 6:30 PM (register here!) or text Claire at (763) 321-4276