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Cub Scheduling Issues Update Page


UNFI Communications Update:  2/25/2025

A Message from President Adam Evenstad:

The Union, along with six UNFI Cub members, met with representatives of UNFI last week to discuss the new scheduling standards. Our members explained to the Employer the heartache and frustration they and their coworkers were feeling. They told stories of coworkers not being able to make daycare obligations. They told stories of parents no longer being able to be there for their children during important events like baseball games, band concerts, dance recitals, award ceremonies and many other moments that are so important in a child’s life. We explained the pain a family goes through when having the tough conversations with a spouse or child about not being able to support their families the way they always had in the past, and I reminded them that the Employer they used to be would make those exceptions and make the effort to accommodate people’s schedules so they could have happy lives both at and away from work.

Despite all of that pain and anger, the members also wanted to let UNFI know how the scheduling standards were affecting their business. They told stories of empty shelves with product sitting in the back room with nobody to stock it. They told stories of workers volunteering to work split shifts so they could make sure bookkeeping duties were still being accomplished when being scheduled for an evening shift. They told the story of a family of Cub Foods workers who desperately need their employer to be successful. They explained they needed good jobs to support their families, but they also needed the Employer to be successful so they could be proud of themselves and the work they do every week. These members are stalwarts who lace up their work boots every day and go to work to do the best job they can. The members at UNFI Cub are strong, prideful, and deserve to be respected in the workplace that they make successful every day. The way the new scheduling standard was implemented took that respect from them and made them feel undervalued, and the committee made sure to tell that story.          

During all of this the representatives of UNFI Cub listened. To their credit, they asked many questions and even acknowledged that the scheduling changes weren't working as intended. They made a commitment to schedule a regular cadence of meetings going forward to discuss how this issue is affecting the workers and the business, and to make sure the employees’ voices are being heard during the process. The Employer said a lot of the right things. The consensus from the group was that the meetings were positive, and we were hopeful for future talks. The phrase coined by the committee was, they were “cautiously optimistic.” The recent relationship with UNFI has been difficult, and we need to see them keep their promises before passing judgement. For now, as the committee suggested, we will be cautiously optimistic.


UNFI Communications Update:  1/31/25

As many of you know communication with your employer has been difficult over the last few months. We have resorted to bypassing corporate all together, and have had a team of staff out in the stores on a daily basis, handling situations on the spot. Though corporate stonewalled us, we resolved literally hundreds of grievances and other issues over the last few months and will continue to do so. You likely have seen permanent Union staff, and volunteer member staff, known as “servicing stewards,” out in your locations more than ever. We have been dedicated to a mission of having a larger presence in your stores than ever before, and we are committed to not only continue this effort, but to increase it over time. If you witness contract violations at your stores, please let the Union staff out in your stores know about it, or call your representative.

We were also, finally, able to meet with your employer to discuss the buyouts, open grievances, and why they haven’t been communicating. The Employer has made a renewed commitment to solving all contract language violations immediately and will make sure that store directors have that communication as well. Though we do not take them at their word, and must continue to be vigilant, this is a move in the right direction. We also have two more dates scheduled to meet with the Employer related to the scheduling changes. This is long overdue, and it was a long fight to bring the Employer to the table. We believe it was through your efforts and solidarity that we have finally been able to open this line of communication and will continue to fight to make sure we can resolve issues with UNFI. 

Charges Filed with NLRB

On Monday, December 9, 2024, UFCW 1189 filed EIGHT charges against UNFI/Cub with the National Labor Relations Board, a Federal agency tasked with upholding labor laws.  The charges stem from repeated failure on the company’s part to comply with the grievance process in multiple grievances. The company has blatantly disregarded repeated attempts to obtain necessary information, which they must provide by law.  Your Union representatives continue to work on these grievances despite the repeated roadblocks the company has put in place. Federal board agents will investigate the charges we have brought against UNFI. We will have another update later this week.

Class Action Grievance Update

On 11/22/2024, the Union met with UNFI's new labor-management team over the 8 outstanding class action grievances about scheduling. 

While nothing has been resolved, we feel this was a step in the right direction. 

We will be providing them with more information, and have given them until December 4 to respond. This response will determine whether we continue through the grievance steps to possible mediation or arbitration, or if we will file board charges, and what actions from the members will be appropriate to help support the process. 

We also have the signed contracts out to the printer and should have copies to distribute to the stores in the next couple weeks.