
St. Luke's Negotiations

Your Union Contract is a legal document that contains provisions related to workers' rights and benefits. Your contract is the result of bargaining between the Union and the Employer beginning with the Union's initial proposal and followed by negotiations on items that affect your job. UFCW Local 1189 is committed to keeping you involved and informed.  Regular updates will be available online and by email. (If you would like to receive email updates please contact the office to ensure we have your current email address). When a tentative agreement is reached (or when we receive the Employer's final offer) the Union will schedule a time for you to vote on the proposed changes to your contract. After a majority of voting employees approve their contract language it then goes into effect. If you have questions on the process, please contact your Union Representative.



UFCW 1189 members at St. Luke's Hospital voted today, June 27, 2024, to ratify their tentative agreement.
Let's Vote- Default
A tentative agreement has been reached with St Luke's! Please come learn more about the agreement and vote:When: June 21st Meet Bargaining Committee and Receive Tentative AgreementsWhen: June 27th VOTE on the Tentative AgreementsTime: 9 am…
At the start of the day, the Employer gave the Union a presentation on the state of their finances for the past three years and then the projected financial outlook for the next three years along with a comparison of health insurance…
Basic labor law requirements in bargaining is that the Union starts high and can only work our way down with each proposal while the Employer starts low and must work their way up with each proposal.  With the goal of each side trying…
The bargaining committee met with St. Luke’s today for negotiations. The Mediator is working with both committees to assist in reaching an agreement.  St. Luke’s is in a difficult financial situation and their wage proposal reflects…
Negotiations resumed on April 25, 2024.  Economic proposals were exchanged; however no agreements were reached.  Mediation services have been requested from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to assist us in reaching an…
On April 11, 2024, we began the economic portion of negotiations.  The first discussions were to audit each employee’s current wage and placement on the correct pay step, additional information was needed to complete the audit and St…
We met again for negotiations and had a productive day working through the majority of our non-economic proposals.  We meet again on April 11, 2024 and should be able to begin the economic portion of the negotiations. 
Negotiations resumed and progress continues to be make on non-economic proposals.  We are scheduled to meet again on April 3.
Bargaining began on March 12 with SLH and both sides presented initial non-economic proposals. Non-economic proposals can be non-discrimination or grievance process. We had much discussion on the proposals but were not able to work…
We began bargaining today with SLH and both sides presented our initial non-economic proposals. Non-economic proposals can be non-discrimination or grievance process. We had much discussion on the proposals but were not able to…