

Negotiations resumed on April 25, 2024.  Economic proposals were exchanged; however no agreements were reached.  Mediation services have been requested from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to assist us in reaching an…
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RSVP HERE!Join us Wednesday, May 15th at the Union Hall at 266 Hardman Ave North in South Saint Paul! We will have games and…
Negotiations were canceled at the end of March due to the weather.  We are scheduled for additional dates on May 21-22, 2024.  Thank you for your support!
On April 11, 2024, we began the economic portion of negotiations.  The first discussions were to audit each employee’s current wage and placement on the correct pay step, additional information was needed to complete the audit and St…
The tentative agreement was accepted by the membership.  The bargaining committee would like to thank you all for your support during the negotiations. Essentia is pushing to have the retro pay and new wages input in the system and…
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Lunds & Byerlys: Passed 4/3/2024Jerry's/Jerry's Cub: Passed 4/8/2024County Market: Passed 4/8/2024Kowalski's: Passed 4/9/2024Festival: Passed 4/11/2024…
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